Tag Archive | Kirby

Pixellll’s Top 10 game tracks.

Another day, another countdown! Honestly, compiling this list was really, REALLY tough. There are just way too many games with amazing musical scores out there. Limiting myself to just ten tracks was pretty tricky, but through sheer determination (and not paying attention in class) I managed to come up with a selection of my personal favourites. So, without further ado, here they are!

DISCLAIMER: We at DLC Diaries take no responsibility for any songs that may get stuck in your head as a result of reading these articles. We good? Good.


Kingdom Hearts 2

Okay, I’ll admit it. I had this track on my list as a joke at first. Why? Because the music that plays in the Atlantica world in the first Kindgom Hearts game gets so jarring after a couple of minutes that ANYTHING – and I do mean ANYTHING – would be easier to listen to. Yes, it is the Disney classic “Under the Sea”, but honestly hearing it play non-stop made me want to throw my PlayStation out a window. That being said, I really feel like the sound team made up for this in Kingdom Hearts 2 with the theme “Isn’t it Lovely?” as the standard music for Atlantica. It’s relaxing, it sounds aquatic and it’s just generally quite pleasant to listen to. It also happens to make up for certain “musical theatre” aspects of the level which I won’t go into here… Read More…

Pixellll’s top 5 game soundtracks: nostalgia edition!

As my fellow writers have already so eloquently covered, music tends to be an integral aspect in games. To many, gaming is more than merely completing objectives or “winning”. It’s about becoming immersed in a story or environment and getting invested in what you’re doing. It’s a way to forget all the stress you’ve got going on and just blow some stuff up or get lost in a fantasy world – and I feel as though this sense of escapism is what is most enhanced by music.

Music can create tension, ease, majesty, fear. I don’t know how many times I’ve been playing a game and felt my heart rate increase at the sound of “final boss” music.

Over the years I’ve heard some awesome soundtracks which have made my gaming experience so much more enjoyable. Rather than limiting myself to choosing my all time favourites (I did try, I just couldn’t decide), I’ve decided to take the reminiscent route. So, here are my top 5 nostalgic soundtracks! Scores that bring back some of my best gaming memories. Read More…